Produktinformationen "UTBS2025 - 3Tagesticket, eTicket"
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26th Under The Black Sun-Festival at Freilichtbühne Friesack!
26th Under The Black Sun-Festival at Freilichtbühne Friesack!
3 days - 26 bands
Abyssic (Norway)
Amystery (Germany)
Baxaxaxa (Germany)
Bewitched (Sweden)
Curse Upon A Prayer (Finland)
Denial of God (Denmark)
Dim Aura (Israel)
Gorgon (France)
Grabunhold (Germany)
Hell Militia (France)
Impaled Nazarene (Finland)
Impiety (Singapore)
Kiira (Finnland)
Lunar Spells (Greece)
Magoth (Germany)
Marduk (Sweden)
Naxen (Germany)
Order of Nosferat (Germany/Finland)
Pestlegion (Germany)
Sardonic Witchery (USA)
Sextrash (Brazil)
Sodomizer (Germany/Brazil)
Thronecult (Germany)
Abyssic (Norway)
Amystery (Germany)
Baxaxaxa (Germany)
Bewitched (Sweden)
Curse Upon A Prayer (Finland)
Denial of God (Denmark)
Dim Aura (Israel)
Gorgon (France)
Grabunhold (Germany)
Hell Militia (France)
Impaled Nazarene (Finland)
Impiety (Singapore)
Kiira (Finnland)
Lunar Spells (Greece)
Magoth (Germany)
Marduk (Sweden)
Naxen (Germany)
Order of Nosferat (Germany/Finland)
Pestlegion (Germany)
Sardonic Witchery (USA)
Sextrash (Brazil)
Sodomizer (Germany/Brazil)
Thronecult (Germany)
...more bands to be announced!
For the navigation system:
Freilichtbühne Friesack
Vietznitzer Str 14
14662 Friesack
Freilichtbühne Friesack
Vietznitzer Str 14
14662 Friesack
FB Event