Black 'n' Roll from ItalyRelease 20251. Borstal Breakout 2:10
2. Real Wild Child 3:31
3. We're coming back 4:02
4. Get off my back 2:22
5.Mongoloid 3:25
6. Who will save rock n roll 3:18
Total: 18:49
Black Metal from GermanyRelease: 02.13.2025
1 The
ruins inside of me 4:322 Rules
of the universe 5:563 The
last dance 4:454 Burden 5:205 The
empire of gloom 5:126 Feed
the machine 5:187 Beyond
the endless waves 4:528 Hunting 6:159 DespairTotal: 45:44
Black Metal from the NetherlandsRelease date: 10.01.2025Tracks:01. De Dijk is Dicht – Intro
02. Hachel mijn Bout
03. Lijdensverlenger
04. Bloedbruid
05. Krengenslagers
06. Bertken
07. Rampokker
08. Schoftensermoen
09. Varkensbocht
10. Waanzee
Total: 34.36The Dutch GRAFJAMMER are
back with a new line-up and a fourth album! After their
last long player “De Zoute Kwel”, which received numerous positive reviews and
a lot of attention in the scene, “De Tyfus, De Teerling” is the latest attack
with their very own, viciously driving “Primitive Dutch Necrorock”. The band
from Utrecht, which has been around since 2012, effectively mixes first and
second wave black metal with hefty pinches of punk, d-beat and Motörhead. The
result is groovy as hell – or rather: “swings like a floppy tit”, as vocalist
Jorre says – but alongside raging, rocking crushers and passages of dashing
destruction, there are also moments in which everything shifts into a
melancholy twilight.
With “De Tyfus, De
Teerling”, GRAFJAMMER present nine hard-hitting tracks (plus an intro) that
tell of religious madness, self-deception and destruction in their mother
tongue. In doing so, they delve even deeper than before into the dark
underbelly of society and Dutch history. The album title is a variation of “Tyfus! Tering!”, a
popular curse combination in Dutch, in the GRAFJAMMER version it means: “The
Typhus (and), the Cube”.
Anyway: Time to
groove and swing!
– Fast, raw, dirty
and intoxicating like sniffing amphetamine.
Black Metal from FinlandRelease 20201. Kuolleestasyntynyt 06:21
2. Tuhontuoja 05:09
3. Syyttäjäenkeli 06:33
4. Riivattu 04:14
5. Yön lapsi 06:31
6. Nox 09:30
Total: 38:18
Black Metal from FinlandRelease 1997Re Release 20171. Black Harmony 07:54
2. Sacrifires 08:15
3. Enthroned by Antichrist 11:08
4. Satanic Ages Overture 07:53
Total: 35:10
Black Metal from FinlandRelease 1998Re Release 20191. Örkkivuorilta 04:00
2. Imperial Devastation 05:35
3. Sword of Darkness 04:45
4. White Aura Buried in Ashes 04:57
5. Sormus ja silmä / Outro 13:07
Total: 32:24
Black Metal from DenmarkRelease 2012Re Release 20231. Fri fra denne verden 21:38 2. Livets gave 16:51 3. Du er alene 15:15 4. Sjælefred 18:40 Total: 01:12:24
Black Metal from GermanyRelease 20161. Intro 01:20 2. Hollow of the Writhing Serpent 06:473. The Evil Incarnate 07:07 4. Fury of the Revenants 06:32 5. Blaze of Arrival 05:35 Total: 27:21
Black Metal from Germany
Release: 21.03.2024
1. Von hohen Himmeln 06:43
2. Größer als das Leben 05:19
3. Labyrinth 06:13
4. Der letzte Feind 04:04
5. Urgewalt 04:47
6. Auf kalten Gräbern 06:35
7. Todesstreben 03:37
8. Death and Beyond 06:02
Total 43:20
Thrash / Speed from ItalyRelease 2024
1. The
Return of the Assassins 04:01 2. Storm of
Blasphemies 05:40 3. Born in
Metal 04:26 4. Pitch
Black 04:09 5. Voievod
05:01 6. Cicci
02:58 7. Stevanin
05:21 8. Failed
Dystopian Agenda 04:24 9. Night of
the Werewolves 04:06 Total: 40:06
VIOLENTOR is a raw power trio in the tradition of Motörhead and Venom - only faster and dirtier! A raw mix of influences from band leader Alessio aka Dog and his comrades-in-arms: punk, thrash, speed and madness - a wild, uncompromising sound that creates an obscure atmosphere and drifts off into claustrophobic nightmares. Or, to put it in Dog's own words: “We are 100% metal.
Black Metal from GermanyRelease 2024
1. Within the Machine 07:10
2. Serpent Nebula 06:44
3. Fractal Entity 07:02
4. Covenant 06:16
5. Upon the Hills of Divination 04:22
6. Stormbringer 09:50
Total: 41:24
Black Metal from GermanyRelease 2024
1. Within the Machine 07:10
2. Serpent Nebula 06:44
3. Fractal Entity 07:02
4. Covenant 06:16
5. Upon the Hills of Divination 04:22
6. Stormbringer 09:50
Total: 41:24
Release: 31.10.2024
Tracks:01. Introduction02. End of Infinity03. Incense Burning04. Whispers from the Void05. Spirits in Fire06. Goddess of Sins07. Infestation08. Winds of Chaos09. Out of the Soil10. Imperium TerrorTotal: 40:09
Die okkulte Formation AMYSTERY ist zurück mit ihrem vierten Album »Chaos Empire Satan«, ein
gleichermaßen rohes und edles Werk zur Bewahrung und Zelebrierung des traditionellen Black Metal als
eigenständige Kunstform. Dabei sind sie kein uninspiriertes Abbild einer alten Genregröße, sondern
schmieden vielmehr kompromisslos ihren eigenen, authentischen Schwarzstahl, der sich vielfach im
Angriffsmodus befindet, sich in Kompositionen wie »Spirits In Fire« oder »Infestation« aber auch zu
erhabener, mystischer Größe aufschwingt.
Nach einer mehrjährigen Schaffenspause hatten sich die Bajuwaren AMYSTERY 2018 mit einer veränderten
Besetzung wieder zusammengeschlossen, um gemeinsam weiter an neuem Material zu arbeiten. Im
Sommer 2021 kam es erneut zu einem Besetzungswechsel, seitdem besteht die Band aus drei Personen:
Grond (Drums), Culpa (Bass) und Nephesus (Vocals, Gitarre).AMYSTERY ist keine Band, bei der ein neues Album daraus erwächst, dass sich Individuen gegenseitig im
Alleingang aufgenommene Tondateien auf die Rechner schicken – die Ideen, Riffs etc. für die zehn Songs
von »Chaos Empire Satan« wurden gemeinsam im Proberaum gesammelt und dort ausgearbeitet. Auf ihrer
Tour im Februar 2023 wurden bereits drei neue Stücke präsentiert, die restlichen sechs entstanden im
Zeitraum bis Dezember 2023.Inhaltlich behandelt »Chaos Empire Satan« die Theorien und Macht der Chaosmagie nach Peter James
Carroll und beschreibt die dazugehörigen Praktiken und Auswirkungen auf das Leben und die Seele.
Darüber hinaus geht es um die Ambivalenz zwischen der vermeintlichen Nichtigkeit des irdischen Lebens im
kosmischen und multidimensionalen Maßstab und der Größe des eigenen persönlichen (Multi-)Universums
mit der daraus erwachsenden maximalen Gestaltungsfreiheit, Wirksamkeit und Einflussnahme. AMYSTERY
als Band zelebriert diese Überzeugung, was bereits im Vorgängeralbum »All Hail The Cult« eine tragende
Rolle spielte und nun im neuen Album noch mehr ins Zentrum gerückt wurde.Aufgenommen wurde das Album im Januar 2024. Das Cover-Artwork wurde von Malphas (ex-AMYSTERY,
ex-Lunar Aurora, Mortem Agmen) gezeichnet, die grafische Gestaltung wurde von Lense Of Sense
Tracks:1. Memento Mori 2. Lost Soul 3. The Gates of Hell 4. Ancestral Sound 5. Altar of the Dead 6. The Shadow of Death 7. Spirits Walk the
Earth 8. La plegaria del
féretro Total: 39:03 Folter Records proudly presents "ANCESTRAL SOUNDS", the second
longplayer from PESTKRAFT, who are preparing to spread the deadly plague of
their relentless and violent yet sublime and mystically charged Black Metal
across Europe and the world from Valencia, Spain. At the center of PESTKRAFT's
traditional, but also compositionally unexpected sounds, are the expressive,
infernal vocals of band founder and vocalist Blodig, who outlines the
intentions and actions of PESTKRAFT as follows:
"Our music is for the darkest audience, those who are attracted to
the other side, death, ancestors and roots. We talk about the importance of the
cult of the dead, about the customs corrupted by the modern world. We like to
think of death as a friendly figure, which picks us up in our last breath, and
of the entities that await us on the other side. The rituals, drums and
offerings of the afterlife. Of plagues, diseases and how dreary the world is
and the dull emptiness of humans."
PESTKRAFT were founded in 2014. After a first announcement of the
upcoming black death with the 5-track EP "Pest" in September 2016,
the debut "Litanies Of The Plague" followed in 2018. Now
"ANCESTRAL SOUNDS" is their damn intense new album - eight
devastating songs with an unmistakable reference to the Norwegian tradition of
the early 90s.
Tracks:1. Scatter My Ashes... 2. Healing 3. Temple of Wounds 4. No One Wins 5. Drops of Silence 6. Syskäathr 7. Zerotonin 8. Buried in a Hourglass
9. the Ahr Total: 47:04
TULPA are back with a fantastic second album! The guys from Parma are
firmly rooted in the Italian scene and have been involved with Whiskey Ritual,
Forgotten Tomb, Mother Augusta and the legendary Kirlian Camera, among others.
For the TULPA project, however, they are treading their own path with
their melodic black metal, which is dedicated to the spiritual concept of Saṃsāra
(in Buddhism, Saṃsāra is the sorrowful cycle of life, death and rebirth in
which all beings are trapped until they attain enlightenment). On "Temple
Of Wounds", rugged black metal with crusty vibes meets wistful melodies –
a great combination of strength and attacking spirit with melancholy and
TULPA was founded in 2016 by Alessandro Coletta (vocals, guitar), Andrea
Artusi (bass, backing vocals) and Kyoo Nam "Asher" Rossi (drums).
After the first local show in 2017, Matteo Cordani joined the band as lead
guitarist. Soon after, TULPA released their first EP "Fear Of Fades"
as an independent release, and the new four-piece line-up started live
activities. In 2019, the debut album "Unhealed" was released, which
was rated 8/10 by Rock Hard Italy and 10/10 by, to mention
just two. During the Covid-19 shutdown, bassist Andrea left TULPA to focus on
his solo project Arcana Liturgia, whereupon the band rearranged their line-up:
Matteo switched from guitar to bass, Kyoo Nam from drums to lead guitar, and
Tomaso Fontanini was signed as the new drummer. In 2022, TULPA began the
recording sessions for "Temple Of Wounds", which was produced by
Alessandro Comerio.
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